when i get to know that i can help out in F1. i was like.. oh my. such a gd chance man. damn happy lor. coz i wan to see. but tickets are just too ex for me. so beig able to help out in F1 is really a gd news for me. dun believe u can ask sabrina how happy i was.
first day was boring. sitting there doing nth. coz they dun need ppl. somemore they hav just activated a grp of 30 ppl to help out. so dun need anymore. so i just sit there do nth. is hot in there due to we are situated at the basement. is boiling inside. at some point of time we will talk n then stop. i had my dinner there too. by 7.30pm we were released coz they do not need any more ppl. then went up to see the practice race. damn cool. is damn loud too. deafening! so back hm.
my service tag!2nd day was nice. being activated to work as usher. so i was working at padang A for 2nd n 3rd day. cool as i can watch the race. though i may be below, not able to watch directly but i still get to view it from the screen. damn cool. n again it was deafening. cant take it. lucky there is ear plugs for us. n on 2nd day i was showered by beer. cool? i olso dunno. so ended i hav to wash my hair the 2nd time. cant take it.
my usher shirt! XL size man. hope to keep this shirt!
the track.(cant see the car!)
spectators on the grandstand.
human traffic!!3rd day. last day of race. the ppl i knew ytd came again. they are just too friendly. keep saying hi to us. so makes my work easier. and i get to watch the race again. today is the best. last race so is quite high. ppl in the grandstand are like jumping. for me i keep asking who win. hahas. cool la. n after the race, i get damn high dunno why. keep talking to ppl. n we manage to get to the track so we went in n hav a look. cool man. u can still smell some burnt smell in there. had photos taken n we were back back.
a free give! too bad cant get the flag!human traffic can be terrible!
wat happen after the race? some photos taken on the track!
n so a happy ending for F1. HURRAY for F1!!!!!! n may we meet again!
green is my world @ 10:54 AM
went for lsct today. is raining. can u believe that i wakeup early n go lsct on a rainy day? oh my. i feel so proud of myself man. coz normally if it's a rainy day i will slp in n not cum for training. tat's me. but today is different. hehe.no campus run today due to the rain. so hav circuit. i feel that it was rather nice. i rather hav circuit than campus run. coz for me i hate running. n olso i hate running n cheering at the same time. circuit no need to run much n no need to cheer. cool! i'm loving it. n ltr we hav lunch. i had jap. din finish coz too full.then is grp 4 games. quite nice. somehow i like their games. not tat dirty. n is healthy. eat vegetables. but i dun like the sauce. yucks! the rest of the games was ok bahx! din play the water games coz girl's matter. but i still get wet. lucky not tat wet. but din play for the last station. feel so bad. sry man. is just too wet for me to play. so i just sit there n watch them play.after that went to celebrate b'dae. or shld say i'm not invited n thick-skin went n hav fun. somehow i'm like the extra there. feel rather hurt hearing this. ppl ask me go n now i kena all this. watever. just my fate bahx! then the card matter again. make me even worse. i'm like at the fault. somehow on the spot i feel like just leaving them n went hm. but my feet just dun wan to take action. so just sit there n pretend nth is going on. i din even rite the card n eat the cake. din even hav the mood to finish my dinner. somehow feel so bad for the ppl in africa. i really left the whole chicken there liddat. sry man! i just cant find the mood to continue eating. yap after that had a photo taken n went hm. coz i din tell my mama tat i will be out till tat late. so yap. wat a day man. i dun think i will be able to join them for the outing. somehow feel so weird after today's incident. n somehow i really feel so left out by the grp. is really a bad thing for me. i miss my secondary sch day. i want my laughter back. i want my darlinks back! i really wan those by my side to be with me now. i really feel like breaking up in poly. life in poly is just not wat i imagine it to be! green is my world @ 8:15 AM
wow! watch movie with sabrina ytd. kurosagi(black swindler). dun fell happy after watching it. it may be funny, can laugh at some parts but it not wat i think i shld be. i thought will be like the last or wat. but it think to be just beating about the bush. nth got to do with mikimoto. i was like waiting n waiting for him to catch mikimoto man. but it nv. go show another guy. oh my. disappoint me.then treat sabrina to popcorn. n know what. she nv finish it la. waste my money man. she din even like touch half of it. she winner liao. anyway yap the show was disappointig.before tat went to shop around. saw mp3. hahas! how i wish i hav 1 of it. so nice man. but i think wait long long bahx! green is my world @ 5:49 AM
a 3 days 2 night overseas training amp ended successfully today. wat can i say? it was really a gd challenge for me. this camp really need a lot of strength and will to continue. esp when climbing up the mountain. really need the perseverance to continue up.on the first day, we were not high enough. even the sgl was like asking us to cheer more. the instructors even hav a tok with us to tell us the objective of the camp. seriously tat time i was like thinking is he gonna give us a lecture? a training lecture. but he listen to our view and after tat continue with the activity. melvin was gd in the way he wont scold. entertaining us always. he even bought us ice-cream on the 2nd day. yummy. somemore is chocolate. my favourite man. hahas!skywalk was the first event. blister on my hand bu ok la. not tat painful. but is tough. so just continue with it. maybe i need to grow taller so that i can reach the top string w/o difficulty bahx! being short to this activity is not a gd thing. anyway i quite like it. follow by another activity. scratches everywhere on my leg but i still continue. did not drop off n manage to get to the end. so cool! then help my friends to balance so that they can cross over successfully. and followed by next 2 activity and night came.went for jungle walk at night. is so dark. could hardly see the path i'm walking. i may be scared but still continue. so walk with yujia. n i think we walk damn fast. jenny reah not long n we reach the place. hahas! i was wondering if i will be able to walk alone. will i be able to finish it by myself? wat will my feelings back then?days 2 was climbing of the mountain. tough but fun. 2nd time climbing smthing liddat. but this time round no waterfall. is oli dry lanes. kena leech bite twice without my notice. n was super paiseh man. leech bite at the wrong place. n we get to cook our lunch at the summit. so cool. 1st time having outdoor cooking man. haha. anyway i help setup the fire. burn my finger olso. 1st time doing such thing so is forgivable. i really hand in to the malays. fasting still can survive n climb up to the top. really a big clap to them. i dun think i will survive to the top without food n water man. i think i will give way. after tat walk all the way down without stopping back to the campsite. cool! we manage to reach the campsite at 3.15. the target set by melvin. after tat we hav rafting. wet again. 1st time we lose but we mange to wi the 2nd time. it was an unfair race but ok la. it was fun tough. n i got a wet biscuit from the other instructor. nvm then. then we had some photos taken not in the water but on land. candid photo!then we hav campfire night. wow! best event man. shout like hell. high like hell too. keep shouting non-stop n we even sang the 2 lines which melvin like. our skit was kinda last min but i think it turn out damn well. even for the dressing up. so nice. i like the goose man. u rock!n for today, we unpitch the tent and keep them. do some area cleaning at the guys side. dirty like hell. after that had breakfast n follow by jetty jump. cool. i dunno how to swim man. i think i should go sign up for swimming lesson man. unable to swim is such a bad thing. then had some photos taken n bath and we were on our way back home. had some photos taken at the entrance before we were back to s'pore. jus cant forget the climbing of mountain n the campfire night. was the best ever! green is my world @ 7:01 AM
wow! finally watch finish fated to love you. is really a long drama man. jap drama is half of that. anyway tat show can be quite nice. but i think is a little too dragging bahx! but is quite nice. touching at some parts too. n is just too loving. will i be able to meet someone like dylan? so handsome man. n meet cunxi who is so loving to his wife? hahas!tml going for otc. just finish packing. hehe. kinda last min. somehow dun hav the camp mood. why? i olso dunno. hope it will be fun then. n hope girls matter will delay n cum after that. hahas!shall rite again when i'm back from otc then. oh ya. happy early birthday to junxiang and levina!levina, u hav to work hard n dun give up. jc can be quite tough for u but i know u can make it. rmb me, ur best friend k. i will support u morally. do well in ur promos. all the best! but dun stress urself too much. or else there will be white hair for u! hehe. green is my world @ 6:15 AM
guess what today late for practice. n wat happen? struck in the lift. the lift is quite a problem these days. is always not working well. n of all my life-time, this is the 1st time i was trap inside the lift.but was ok.still got light. the oli thing is tat it's very hot inside. perspire damn lot man. somemore it take the person 30mins to reach. but better than an hr. so struck in there msg ppl lor. tell them i will be late. hahas.30 min ltr, ppl cum to my rescue. the door suddenly open but is not to the outside. what i see are tiles. oh my! n slowly it moves up, letting me see all the dirty tiles. wat came to mind was, wat happen if there are 'xiao qiang' n fly towards me. i will scream like hell man. n will keep jumping in the lift. but ltr not such things. the door closes n bring me up to the 6 floor. for me, i walk down the stair. coz scared being struck in the lift again. hahas.then went to sch for practice. late for an hr. better than nth. and left early coz dun hav the mood to dance after the lift incident. so went hm n started packing OTC stuff for fri. green is my world @ 4:10 AM
wow! today get the result. actually din know. glad tat sabrina reminded me. i was still in bed when she reminded me. hahas! i'm so forgetful. anyway she did score very well. i bet everyone does. so i was waiting n waiting. dun know what happen to me. my heart jus keep thumping faster n faster! cant help it. until a point whereby i hav no choice, so i just went online n check my result. just do not know why they din send me a message.yap got my result. the first i told was sabrina. hahas! then my mum. n when i go online ppl cum shootining me. asking how i did. n then my gpa. so just ans. can i say i did well? i was just shocked for my organic chem. i get a B. hahas! the others ok bahx! except for info a C. at least i did pass it. so i shld thank my grp member for the project effort put in. so pass all. happy! n get promoted. hahas! but somehow feel stress when i know ppl's result. my class ppl are just too smart. all 3.5 n above. 3.8 n even 3.9. really very pro man. wonder when will i get these result. will it be my turn? stress!!! green is my world @ 4:10 AM
today shld went for the practice but went eventually. why? coz i forget. actually not me. is huiling say wan go so i shall go. anyway ltr on i hav a talk to attend so i will go from sch. so today went to practice. my thigh really pain. coz bend too much and use too much so yap. now feeling the pain. but ok la. teach 2 people the dance moves n olso teach huiling some coz she forget.and we intend to change the script n make it musical. so is skit n dance. cool! so shall wait n see the outcome. cant wait for the whole thing to be completed. also, did not manage to learn the couple dance. too bad! but saw it. wonder how i will dance. will laugh out loud. hahas! then went for the talk. late. so feel sry. n guess who i saw? wanyun! hahas! such a coincident. yap the company is venture era. is like some business. actually went for smth liddat before(sunshine empire) so kinda not interested. however hasy n wy seem interested. so i think i will not go for any training. sales is really not my cup of tea. so i shall give it a miss. sry! green is my world @ 5:03 AM
today's training is kinda tough. a sudden jump in it. not much of campus run and guess wat? is doing tummy exercise. oh my. is a thousand years since i did tat. hurts like hell. plus my back gonna break soon. we shld not work on hard ground. is not gd for the back. anyway just did it. hope tml i will not hav cramp.then for pt, we did it on a rough ground. pumping on rough ground is really not a gd one. i cut my knee. coz my knees are moist n slide so cut it. but is nth. anyway continue with everything. i wonder how we owe the sgl so many push up. really terrific by the number. 115 push ups. i wonder wat we did to accumulate so many push-ups. weird. anyway dun care. just do for the sake of doing. hope no more adding of push-ups then.after that we have a short talk. yap is bout complain. so i just sit there n listen n did not voice anything out. somehow i feel there is not a need to it. anyway i'm used to them shouting le. so shall forget bout it.so after lunch is grp 3 grp game. is kinda pathetic oli 8 of us n ltr 1 more cum in. but still is kind of a nice game to play. did play all. wet n stink like hell. i even had the string mark for me. thanks man. there is bruise lor. tat is really a gd thing for me to rmb. yap a debrief ltr n we were back home. tml there is dance training for some performance. dunno how it will go. a person like me with no dance background is kinda weird. having my dance is like asking pig to fly. kinda dread going back sch. no choice hav to go. so just try my best then. green is my world @ 5:14 AM
went shopping with my sis today. coz nv work. company got some prob. so yap! no work for me. hehe. so slack then. went to OG at OP. din see my wendy sis. did she left the place? or is her day off? anyway nvm then. just shop around.actually went there to buy my formal wear. need at least 1 for in case. hehe. so bought 1. then my sis say the slippers are cheap so i bought them too. bought 1 slippers and a sandles. can wear to sch like casual wear. so is ok. anyway my slippers gonna spoil soon, so bought it for in case. hahas! the first blouse i saw was nice. but too bad it dun suit me. make me look so skinny. somemore with the strips that are so dark. so just forget bout it. the next one is pink and long sleeve. i look nice but long sleeve. so just dun like it. wanna give up but saw another corner selling formal wear. so went n hav a look. is so much cheaper man. n from there i finally find a plain n nice blouse wich suit me. so just bought that. then i saw a shorts. hahas! buy again. thanks for my sis man. accompany me there n help me see. so bought all the stuff that i wanna. cool man. though spent quite a lot. but is all i need and i will use it. so shld be ok. green is my world @ 5:24 AM
unbelievable! tat's the first word i would think of when i see the movie. hahas! coz makino keeps saying this in the drama. i din know i will fall in love with this show. really shocked man. coz watever show i watch i will just watch n forget. maybe is becoz i jus watch the drama and is still fresh in my mind. and i did not expect myself watching the show on the first day of release. really unbelievable. normally i will wait for days before i will watch it. but this time, i watch it on the first day. so cool. sound kaisu.the show was ok. quite funny i shld say. i cant believe that the people in the cinema was laughing out loud. really shocked. but is ok. at least i can laugh out too. anyway wont say much the movie. u shld watch it urself. so yap! Rui dress as a priest. was really weird. but ok.. he's still handsome as ever. just like him. but cant snatch with sabrina. so just admire him. hahas!today went to amk just to watch the show. can be quite weird. din do much of shopping. so just watch the show. tml is another day of work. shall continue working and earn some income bahx! green is my world @ 6:16 AM
working can be quite tough. my hands are aching now. n they are swollen. quite terrible this time round. but who ask me cant find work so hav no choice but to take this job. tml not working. i can hardly lift my hands up. terrible right? 6 bucks is not an easy money to earn. so just bear with it. today keeps raining so hav been walking in the rain. n when the sun is out. was damn hot. my shirt was soaked. the worst thing is that i cant find the place. so spent quite a lot of time searching the place. so walk here n there. killar job! however it i ok when i hav rest. we spent an hr waiting for the transport to cum to bring us to a place nearer to those location. is kind of better but by the time we reach the new location, is quite late. some of the company reject the mooncake n my poor friends have to bring them back. tml not going lsct. or my hand will break. so shall stay at home to rest n slp. hehe! green is my world @ 5:51 AM