s&w was rough again. i keep getting hit by the ball. oh my. lucky is not my back. or i will scream sia. but is a strain on my back too. doing all the warm-up is tiring. but still get through it. like to play the game. is better than doing all the warm-up n stuff. was in GK again. need not do much. sometime i wonder if poly is a gd place to be in. getting slacky as days pass. ppl in jc are mugging their live away n me, playing n watching show all the time. changes in me is way too big. do not hav the life to study anymore. for me, since sec sch, as a N(A) student, i always aim high. hoping to get to express someday. s i will keep studying. all i had in my mind was books and books. i will always have the thought of going jc n to uni. but after getting the o-level result, due to my eng, i give that thought away. went to poly to study bms. the grp which i hang out with is just too smart. they can dun listen in class n score well. but i cant. dun listen=fail. wonder why i've change into such person.n ppl keep asking me if i hav a partner. do i look like one who will be attached? maybe in sec sch but not in poly. oh my. they make me look like a flirt. i'm not one who will be so desperate to hav one. anyway changes in me is just too huge. skipping lesson is one thing. being bitchy is another. somehow i like to say ppl now. maybe did offend them i olso dunno. so shall apologise. i'm sry! ct is like in 2 weeks time. next week or even now shld start mugging. i wanna my past back. my hardworking past. green is my world @ 8:18 PM
finally all 3 test is over. somehow i'm disappointed with my performance for the test. ipc was such a failure. din hav the mood to finish. so kinda anyhow do le. alot just dunno how to do. maths and micro shld i say is ok? too tired to even think about how i did for both the tests. but i know maths sure got mistake. forget how to do log. so damn angry with myself. make me spent so much time to think of that solution. but still manage to do finish all. then micro is so tricky. if the common test is liddat sure fail. all the ans is almost the same. also dunno wat to choose. so in the end was like anyhow pick. quite happy tat finally this week is ending. feeling damn tired. can slp almost everywhere. in lecture was worst. with the supper nice air-con is really causing me to slp in class. din go training ytd. kind of feel bad. but due to some matter, i just cant go for training. somehow i feel tat i shld just study n not go. but i feel bad in the inside. din manage to share the pumping with them. they did like 120. tat's alot. n iwas not there. i'm so bad.after the whole escaparate we had a de-brief. was told to think of wat we learnt from escaparate. so wat hav i learnt? somehow i dunno wat i've learn. i oli know tat time is tight and that we need to hurry tat's all. i spent quite alot of time practicing. going to all practicing. so i did put in my effort. i din complain much so is gd le bahx. most of all i get to tok more, suan ppl more. but i get suan alot of time. damn unfair. but on the whole i feel tat this escaparate is quite a gd job done. slacking during practice and get serious for rehearsal and most serious on performance. is really a gd one. though may be unhappy with some stuff but i still think is ok. as for the ic. i dunno wat ur hav done. but i know ur are tired. yea i know. so thanks to ur. event is over. 2 more weeks to common test. bloody hell. just 2 weeks. wat have i done for common test? nth yet. time is just too tight. kinda tired of all this. gonna pull up my socks n start working hard. shall concentrate on my studies soon. or i will be wasting my life away. so to all. jy for ur ct bahx! must do well. fighting! green is my world @ 2:17 AM
finally is over. escaparate is over. but then test is here. kind of tiring. my back is still liddat. but for one thing. no more escaparate. yeah! free finally. no need stay till so late le. n can do more stuff. my mama has been questioning me why am i so late. she thought i join dance too. oh my. actually the dance is for lsct de. anyway finish liao so can pei my mama eat dinner le. screwed my ipc. kind of sad though. so is emoing now. but wat can i do? can oli blame myself for slping away while studying. haix. shall work hard for the next test then. thurs is another 2 tests. maths n microbio. so shld i go training tml? currently am working hard on my maths. n will try hard to study micro so that i can make it for trainign tml. or the punishment will be doubled. i would not want punishment to be doubled. green is my world @ 6:19 AM
this week is so dead. almost to the extend that i will break off. my back has been in pain since wed lesson. oh my.damn bloody hell. plus wed training is making me even worst. totally bearing the pain which i dun even can describe the pain. sitting in a position will also hurts tat much. thurs lecture in the mornign was a torture. sitting on the stupid chair make me even worst. no choice. dun expect me to stand during the lecture right? wonder why a sudden pain to my back. din even do any stuff related to my back. then fri s&w was hell to me. do not wan to do a make up. so just went on fri n continue with lesson. the ball just keep goin off n expect me to catch it. strain again. then at night dance practice. sian. totally feel the pain. totally cant straighten my back. but just get on with it if not things will not turn out well. sat early in the morning wake up. ppl stillin bed n poor wendy is waking up n going sch. damn sick. my back is still not well. feeling so sick. somehow hoping someone will just use some stuff n break my back off. dance on sat was quite good. after my kfc and keep on dancing and practicing. work my fats off. n somehow i dun feel the pain anymore. but once i stop n went for break. again it cum. n my mind totally switch off n just cant do any studying anymore. just wanna hav a rest. feel like lying flat on the floor n dun dare. n yap follow every skit practice doing watever is necessary. superman dance some dun even wan to try doing. wonder will i be able to do. shall do on the actual day then.next week will be hell week. 3 tests next week. tues IPC pract and then escaparate. n briefing for IS n blt tok. such a long day. then thurs maths n micro test. 2 in a day is driving me crazy. then tml is like a long day. 8am start lesson n then hav event rehearsal. need report at 6pm till dunno when. i think i will leave early. need spare a thought for my beauty slp n the pract test on tues. hope escaparate will be a successful event. green is my world @ 6:55 PM
cats presentation went on well today. thanks to my fellow classmates who make it a success. n olso my grp mtes who really entertain the entire class. the game went on well. but then our game was like hanging. dunno is activity or game. get quite a low marks. damn sian. then forget print my e-learning doc so maybe 5 marks off my marks. then wait for my friends and go hougang together. wanna buy fila bag but not much design in there. as i promise my mama tat i will go hm hav lunch so i miss the kfc with them. so sad. kfc yea. oh my. i wanna eat it for so long. too bad just hav to go hm n hav lunch with mama. 7pm went back sch. pack my stuff intending to stay overnight in sch but too bad dun hav. reach sch late somemore. then know tat cant stay overnight. i was like sian dao. so no choice hav to go hm. 10 liddat left sch n went hm. learn dance etc.my sis was like suaning me. at thought someone wan stay overnight in sch why came hm.... blah blah. se has lots to tok. anyway is gd to be hm. tat's wat i think. but tml need 8.30 reach sch. will i wake up? oh my. is a sat n dun let me slp in. n somemore no breakfast tml. shall starve till afternoon then hav brunch then. i really hope escaparate will cum soon n end off. is really a torture to keep staying back.somehow i feel is a little unfair. we came back most of the time to learn the steps of the dance. n for rehearsal. but some just cum 1 time n learn all the dance steps. is kinda unfair. i olso wan to be like them. turn up oli 1 or 2 times n learn the whole dance. green is my world @ 8:33 AM
cats project can be tiring. is just our 1st assignment n am getting damn pissed. and olso alot of problems. one after another. when will it end? oh my! hope it will go well on fri. will our A fly away?mon went to see him, thinking of clarify stuff with him, but was instead like a lecture from him. all the cc things start cuming in. coz i mail my grp stuff n din cc to him. so yap. i admit i hav poor management skill. but seriously i'm the one who send out everything n no one help me. even thinking for the dates of discussion is olso me. everything olso me. so ytd was like a hearing from him. coz i'm the one doing the job and everything aims at me. damn pissed. but what can i do? i just say sorry to him. coz is my fault too. and coz not all my grp members can turn up, so oli 3 of us went to meet him. he's like thinking we are wasting his time. but seriously is impossible to meet everyone at 4pm. ppl still hav lesson. somemore with different course ppl is even difficult. then today meet up. john din turn up. came and walk off. wat was tat? we dun hav time to finish our cats le. is like this fri we hav to present n ppl just cant get together to do. i'm olso busy. everyone is too. hav to do portfolio. other class dun even need one. why is my class so special? our class is not supposed to have ppt slides. so we wasted effort on our ppt. and now for board game is too small to have everyone inside. not creative enuff. so need do a bigger one. damn sian. so watever we prepare during e-learning week is shit. not in use tat kind. ready to flush away. wasted effort.thurs meeting. really hope it will turn out well. and tat is the oli day left before the presentation. pls turn out well! pls!!!! green is my world @ 4:26 AM
hahas! finally got my mac breakfast ytd. yummy hotcakes. so nice sia. with my maple syrup. cool. then had ice milo. usually will hav coffee but scared ltr keep going toilet so hav milo instead. so yap. then went to sch for practice. late a little. but when i reach no one was there. except for bx n some workers. spent 2 hrs watching hot spot coz no one came n cant get things started. skip lunch as usual. coz not hungry. but as things get started, my stomach starting groaning. watever. dun care. so shall wait. 7pm then end. my stomach cant tahan so went hm straight. din help them pack up. n was unlucy tat i din hav sweets. an hr plus ride hm was really a torture to me ytd. anyway went hm quickly bath n hav some food to fill my stomach. then 9pm hav my dinner.as for today, really crazy. had pizza. ate 4 pieces. coz we order 2 medium size pizza. really make a mistake ordering that. really too full to finish all. so left bout half, hoping my dad will eat ltr when he's hm.tml start sch again. damn tired! will i wake up? i really hope i will wake up man. tml 8am lesson. better dun be late. green is my world @ 11:08 PM
really cant believe that for the 2 days i have wake up tat late. overslept man. really cant believe it. even my mum think likewise.ytd shld be in sch at 10am. n i wake up at 9.40am. really very late. impossible to reach sch at 10. i feel so angry with myself. so just hav to inform them that i will be late. no choice. is damn late. so i rush out of hus without breakfast and was in sch at 10.40am. feel sry tat i'm late.ten today even worse. suppose to wake up at 5.30am. wth man. wake up oli at 7am. somemore need my aunt wake me up. if not i will still be in bed k. n late like hell for s&w. so rush again lor. same thing. rush w/o breakfast. then my uncle fetch me to sch. coz my aunt call him to fetch me. so cool la. sit in the lorry and tied my hair etc. n forget my contact lens. arghhh. so play netball with spect. so weird. n hungry like hell. i really can'e believe that i can oversleep. really cant believe it.then went for cats. hungry but no time buy food go class eat. so walk all the way to blk 53 and just know that there is no cats. teacher on mc. oh my. make me rush for nth. then had discussion. coz of discussion, so dun dare leave and buy some stuff to eat. so just wait for them to finish. so about 1pm left sch and head to hougang to have lunch with my friend. then hav pepper lunch. rice suddenly taste so nice to me. yummy!for cats, shocked that all cooperate and work on the game today. n i'm a little siao. too high till they keep asking my to chill. maybe hungry make ppl high.i want KFC. no one wan to eat with me. craving for fast food for a long time. but my family members just dun wan to hav it. i wan mac breakfast. i wan KFC fried chicken n cheese fries. i wan hav long john. i wan... i wan.... when will i get to eat? green is my world @ 1:52 AM
being a human is damn tough. have to do this and that. will animals have such situation too? wondering.. anyway today training was tough. maybe i din go training for last 2 weeks so it cant catch up. really lack of the energy. can die today. but i'm proud that i stay on. though i fell like wanting to fall out. coz really cant take it. feel like vomiting. but am glad i din mess it and continue on. yeah!then play games. one is mute so i din talk. good also. easy task for me. the the other one. i tie bomb bag. fun. nv get wet. so is quite lucky. but while cleaning up, i slip n fall. damn paiseh la. n now my heel hurt. coz hit hardly on the ground. oh my. lucky no split man. is almost. if not i will scream like hell.tml dance and project. will my grp mates do stuffs tat is assigned? damn scared tml will be another slack project. nth done. n i will start being pissed. i hope they will do some stuff or at least cum out ideas for the activity. really hope so. green is my world @ 9:28 AM
can u believe that i actually wake up at 6. oh my. is like 3 hrs of slp. then idle around, force myself to slp again. yap did succeed but was being disturb n wake up again at 6.30. then slp again. n wake up at 8. coz of dance so have to go sch.dance for less than 2 hrs. and have break all the way. coz they practice skit which i dun even need to be there. n main lead is not there. so is like slacking here n there. for me sian diao. feel like slping but cant. coz need leave at 3 to meet my friend.watch high sch musical! finally!! hav been waiting for ppl to watch with me. n guess what i had popcorn for dinner. damn hungry when i reach amk. coz i skip my lunch. lazy to go down n buy stuff to eat. so hav popcorn. share with my friend. some stuff to say. i cant believe that i saw that guy again. so handsome as usual. a crush on him? i dun think so. is just that his feature remind me of him able to be a girl. hahas. he tied his hair today so look much nicer. n i realised that he has 3 ear hold. hahas. cool man.tml is wed again. shld i go training? am feeling so tired! n am i able to commit myself to the dance? green is my world @ 4:57 AM
bithday cake again. but not for me. is my cousin, keith. no ice-cream cake coz not in time to order. so order creative cake. today meal eat till very full. and is also an ex one. eat quite a lot(i guess). then had grassjelly. so is really bloated. and after that had such big piece of cake. my aunt say i wont fat de so make me eat it. yap. i still finish the whole cake. cant help it. and then i gave my cousin the voucher as he keep asking for his present.

before i forget.
green is my world @ 7:50 AM
wahaha. is txy outing again. yeah! been looking forward to it k. n yap cum true today. maybe not a long outing but is indeed a nice one. enjoy yea~ i hope the rest will too.
supposed to go east coast de but the sky spoil our mood. the dark clouds scare all of us. so din go there. so hakam hav to meet us at serangoon instead. before that hav lunch witht them at amk. damn big serving. so eat till very full. then wen to sing k. hahas! coz dunno wat to do le.
so sing for 3 hrs. have a mixture of eng n chi song. first time yea. coz got hakam, so hav to sing eng. but is nice. not tat bad. n maybe is still schooling, of tj n ah mian are like tired. sing so less. n levina sing quite a lot. good! finally she sing with us k. hahas! then saw emmanuel at the gym. so had photos taken with him. n yap we sang for 3 hrs. coz i need to go hm n do stuff. then had bean curd. full like hell lor. n all went home at around 6.30.
as for me, i went tpy to buy the giordano voucher for my cousin.
some photos uploaded. (too tired to wait) we can be quite crazy when it cum to photos.
green is my world @ 4:35 AM
wow! damn sad k. the diagram i draw was not being praise by my family. this morning my mum saw it, she say is nice n cute. she nv thought i would draw it myself. u know wat she thinks? she thought that i trace it from somewhere. oh my. really sadden like hell. will i be tat pathetic as to trace it from a source? somemore my printer was down so is impossible for me to print it out n trace. then my mei still ask me to redraw n prove tat i did draw it myself. really damn hurt. draw till like 2am k. n this is wat i got. shall not let my elder sis see. if not i will get some negative comment again. so today shall do some e-learning stuff. continue doing mol as wat she wanna us to do. to be ahead of her. shall do some differentiation. gonna read again. n lastly to do out the CATS schedule. success to me! YEAH!!need to find one day n go for dance. or i will missed out alot of it. green is my world @ 8:03 PM
wat does fri mean to u? fri has always been my favourite day as it was the last day of the week. but today was different. is my hardworking day. a stressful morning for me. CATS has been giving me prob. maybe i dun hav such good creative skills. so is very difficult for me. thinking out of the box. how to. no ideas will start popping out for me.
cats discussion in the morning with my grp mates was terrible. esp some ppl. oh my. headache plus hungry is really making me pissed off. n my stupid eyes got prob. n i dunno why, kena chosen for the grp leader. damn unlucky. is like majority wins. so no choice. so devi came n she was like giving damn lots of ideas. whoever tok one she will hav stuff to tok about. oh my. really damn tiring in this grp. our discussion is nv ending. when they cant reach an agreement, they will say:'so wendy how?' their favourite line. oh my. me myself olso dunno how. i give the idea of treasure hunt n they wan change here n there. but in the end still back to treasure. so i'm like spending 2hrs listening to them tok bout what technique to choose n the activity. just keep arguing.
actually i was toking on msn too. din really listen to all. too many to listen too. so just tok online. n keep myself relax. thanks john man. keep asking me to chill. n olso to sab, bx and hasyimah who entertain me.
then wen to have lunch with sab, sha and amelia. had long john. really hungry n tired. then start toking bout some stuff. n my energy is back. but time is tight for me. so we left n went hm. as for me, rush hm n then back to sch. din learn much dance. n am back hm. force to eat dinner so no choice hav to eat.
so finish my cats e-learning now. draw a diagram out. n sab say is cute. hahas! 1st time ppl say my drawing cute yea. coz my art is like C. or fail.
so wat do u think of the pic? green is my world @ 9:30 AM
this week damn tired. is like all the things came rushing to me all at one go. feel so stress up. olso dunno why. just feel that time is not enuff. today my worst day. imagine working with that person again. wonder what will turn out. no choice. who call my grp to be like 4 person. so we hav to split into 2. so the other grp got a better choice. while me have to get him. i thought my last project with him will be like last sem for info. but this sem hav to get him a grp mates. i seriuosly hope he will freaking do some stuff. not anything or as u wish. actually i thought i will be like the odd one out. n be left to choose my own grp. glad that sabrina partner me. hahas. so is a relief bahx. at least there is still sab to help me.cats e-learning tml. olso dunno wat to do. i hope will get some discussion going on. dun wish to be like working some last min stuff. oh pls. pls help me. green is my world @ 4:37 AM